Intercity Buses

Several bus companies provide service between Madison, major airports, and other cities in the region.

Companies with a service stop located on campus are listed below. Please contact the companies directly for more information on routes, schedules, and ticketing.

For additional information on intercity bus service, please visit the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation long distance intercity bus service page.

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Company name Website Contact information
Badger Bus (608) 255-1511
Greyhound (800) 231-2222
Jefferson Lines (800) 451-5333
Lamers Bus Lines (920) 496-3600
Van Galder Bus Company (866) 912-6224
Photo of students gathering along the Lake Street sidewalk near Gordon Dining and Event Center to board buses headed to destinations such as Minneapolis and airports in Chicago and Milwaukee as the spring recess is set begin at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Photo of students boarding an intercity bus on the UW-Madison campus.
Photo of students gathering along the Lake Street sidewalk near Gordon Dining and Event Center to board buses headed to destinations such as Minneapolis and airports in Chicago and Milwaukee as the spring recess is set begin at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

The on-campus intercity bus stop is located at the 200 block of N. Lake Street between W. Johnson and W. Dayton Streets, near the Gordon Dining and Event Center.

Map of UW campus intercity bus stop location on N. Lake Street, between W. Johnson and W. Dayton Streets, near Gordon Dining and Event Center.