Accessible Parking Help Center

Accessible Parking for Visitors

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Where on campus is parking available for visitors with a State of Wisconsin disabled permit?

Visitors with a State of Wisconsin disabled permit can park in WI-DOT disabled stalls in campus garages and surface lots, unless a lot is closed for construction.

Find these locations on the accessible parking map (PDF) or the stall types and locations page.

For more information, go to the accessible parking page.

When does a visitor with a WI-DOT disabled permit have to pay for parking?

When a valid, state-issued disabled permit is displayed:

  • Payment is required for accessible parking in campus parking garages.
  • Payment is not required in Wi-DOT disabled stalls in surface parking lots.
  • Payment is not required in timed ParkMobile stalls with a limit of 30 minutes or more.
  • Payment is required in timed ParkMobile stalls with a time limit of 30 minutes or less. Go to ParkMobile payment instructions.

Find Wi-DOT disabled stall locations on the accessible parking map (PDF) or the stall types and locations page.

Visitors may also purchase a half or full-day accessible permit at a Transportation Services office to park in any UW-Accessible or Wi-DOT disabled stall, unreserved permit stall, or ParkMobile stall with a time limit of 30 minutes or more.

For more information, go to the accessible parking page.

What are the rates for visitor parking?

In parking garages, the daytime visitor rate is:

  • $1 per 30 minutes – first 3 hours
  • $1 per hour thereafter
  • $15 daily maximum

The evening and weekend visitor rate in garages is:

  • $1 per hour
  • $5 evening maximum

There is no charge when a rate schedule is not in effect. For rate schedules in specific garages, go to our rates page.

In surface lots, timed ParkMobile stalls are $1.50 per hour during the lot’s hours of control. Outside the lot’s posted hours of control, there is no charge for parking. Refer to the parking lot sign for hours of control.

Accessible Parking at Special Events

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Is accessible parking available for UW Athletics events?

UW Athletics sells accessible parking passes in advance for sporting events held at the Kohl Center, Camp Randall Stadium, LaBahn Arena, and the Field House. These events include Badger football, volleyball, men’s basketball, men’s hockey, women’s basketball, and women’s hockey.

For information about accessible parking passes for UW Athletics events, go to UW Athletics’ Travel Center.

Day-of event accessible parking passes may also be available for purchase at some UW Athletics events. Check our parking calendar for locations, availability, and rates.

For more information, go to the special events page.

Do you sell day-of accessible parking at UW Athletics events?

Day-of event accessible parking passes may be available for purchase at some UW Athletics events. Check our parking calendar for locations, availability, and rates.

For more information, go to the special events page.

Is accessible parking available at other campus events?

Events hosted by groups other than UW Athletics may have reserved special parking for guests. Contact your hosts to ask if they have arranged for guest parking.

If your event hosts have not made arrangements for guests, accessible parking may be available near the venue at the hourly visitor parking rate. You may also purchase a daily parking pass from Transportation Services at least two weeks in advance of the event.

For more information, go to the special events page.

Faculty and Staff Accessible Parking

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What accessible parking options are available for faculty and staff?

Employees of UW-Madison and UW Hospital and Clinics with a valid, state-issued disabled permit may obtain the UW-Accessible version of a base lot, Flex, or moped permit.

Temporary UW-Accessible permits are also available to those with a valid, state-issued temporary disabled permit or written notification from a physician. When obtained with a doctor’s note, temporary accessible permits are valid for two months and will not be extended without a valid, state-issued disabled permit (whether temporary or annual).

Learn more about UW Accessible permits.

How can an employee get a UW Accessible permit?

UW employees and UW Hospital and Clinics employees who are eligible to apply for a parking permit may apply for UW-Accessible base lot parking permit. Search for UNIVERSITY CAMPUS ACCESSIBLE and enter your state disabled permit information when applying for parking in the Permit Application System.

UW-Accessible base lot permits may also be obtained in person with the required documentation at a Transportation Services office location. 

Temporary UW-Accessible permits are only available in person at a Transportation Services office location with the required documentation.

For more information:

What is the rate for a UW Accessible parking permit?

Where on campus can I park with a UW Accessible permit?

Annual and temporary UW Accessible base lot and Flex permits are not lot-specific; they are valid across campus in UW-Disabled stalls, State of Wisconsin disabled stalls, unreserved permit stalls, and timed ParkMobile stalls over 30 minutes.

UW Accessible permits are not valid in ParkMobile stalls with a time limit of 30 minutes or less; you must start a ParkMobile session to park in these stalls, even if you have a parking permit.

UW Accessible moped permits may park in any stall in designated moped lots across campus.

For more information:

Go to the ADA/Accessible Parking Policy.

Go to the Accessible Parking Map (PDF).

Go to the stall types and locations webpage.

When is payment required with a UW Accessible Flex permit?

UW-Accessible Flex permits must be in paid status during a lot’s hours of enforcement using ParkMobile zone code 25099.

For more information, go to the Flex parking webpage.

Student Accessible Parking

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Are accessible parking permits available for students?

Yes. UW students (including undergraduate, graduate, and professional) with a valid, state-issued disabled parking permit may apply for and purchase the UW-Accessible version of an annual base lot or moped permit.

Learn more about UW Accessible permits.

How can students obtain an accessible parking permit?

Students with a valid, state-issued disabled parking permit may go through the student parking process to receive authorization to apply for an annual UW Accessible permit. They may visit a Transportation Services office in person with the required documentation to purchase a UW Accessible permit.

Students may obtain a temporary UW Accessible permit with written notification from a doctor. Obtained in this way, the temporary accessible permit is valid for two months and will not be extended without a valid, state-issued disabled permit (whether temporary or annual).

For more information:

Where can students park with an accessible parking permit?

Annual and temporary UW Accessible base lot permits are not lot-specific; they are valid across campus in UW-Disabled stalls, State of Wisconsin disabled stalls, unreserved permit stalls, and timed ParkMobile stalls over 30 minutes.

UW Accessible permits are not valid in ParkMobile stalls with a time limit of 30 minutes or less; you must start a ParkMobile session to park in these stalls, even if you have a parking permit.

UW Accessible moped permits may park in any stall in designated moped lots across campus.

For more information:

Go to the ADA/Accessible Parking Policy.

Go to the Accessible Parking Map (PDF).

Go to the stall types and locations webpage.

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