Accept round 2 parking offers, apply for round 3 by August 21

The second round of parking offers were sent August 8-9. These offers must be accepted and purchased by Tuesday, August 21 or the offer expires. There is no way to retrieve an expired offer.

Please note not all those who completed an application received an offer during round two. If you did not receive an email offering you parking, you were added to a waiting list and may get an offer in a future round.

Those who missed the second round of applications can apply from August 8-21. Offers for the second application period will be processed August 22.

If you do not have or have not had a parking permit in the past, you must contact your Unit Transportation Coordinator (UTC) for approval to apply for the 2018-19 parking year.

2018-19 bus passes and motorcycle, moped, afternoon and night permits are available for purchase as of August 1. These products do not need UTC approval and can be purchased directly through the eBusiness portal.

Application period July 13 – Aug. 7 August 8-21
Offers made via email Aug. 8-9 Aug. 22
Deadline to accept parking Aug. 21 Sept. 4

Those who apply after August 22 will be considered during the regular parking year offer schedule, when offers are processed approximately every two weeks.

Applying for a parking permit does not guarantee you will receive an offer. If you do not receive an email offering you parking, you will be added to a waiting list and may get an offer in a future round.

To accept and purchase an offer, visit

To apply for a parking permit, visit

Translated calendar of parking and transportation deadlines for the 2018-19 year (PDF)