UW Fleet and Vehicle Services will charge adjusted garage labor rates and administrative fees starting in fiscal year 2022, which begins July 1, 2021. Labor rates have not been raised in several years, while expenses have increased and rates for similar work in the Madison area are considerably higher.
The garage labor rate will now be split into two categories with separate costs—light-duty vehicle work or heavy-duty vehicle work.
Type of work | Cost per hour |
Light-duty work | $67 / hour |
Heavy-duty work | $85 / hour |
Previously, the labor rate was $57 per hour, no matter the type of work. The new rate structure for light-duty and heavy-duty work will be 57% and 64% the cost of local market average, respectively.
Additionally, administrative fees will be charged for non-UW Fleet owned vehicles. One administrative fee will be charged annually – $45 – and the other fee will be charged per order, based on the vehicle class.
Fee description | Cost | What fee covers |
Annual administrative fee | $45 per vehicle |
Light-duty vehicle Ordering, delivering, or disposing |
$90 per vehicle |
Heavy-duty vehicle Ordering, delivering, or disposing |
$180 per vehicle |
Fleet and Vehicle Services questions can be directed to fleet@fpm.wisc.edu. Learn more about Fleet and Vehicle Services in the Fleet information center.