A new campus parking and transportation survey has launched! A sample group of UW–Madison students, faculty/staff, and UW hospital employees will receive a Qualtrics survey invitation to participate in this customer satisfaction biennial survey. The results of this survey will help UW Transportation Services understand how well parking and transportation-related products and services are serving the UW campus community.
Your participation is very important and greatly appreciated! Those who respond help shape the future of the UW–Madison transportation system.
The survey can only be taken once and should take about 5-7 minutes to complete. Responses are anonymous. Emails come from the Qualtrics survey software, so the email “From” line will have a “@qualtrics-survey.com” address.
The question prompts will tell you what to consider when you answer.
Those who have questions about the survey or have trouble completing the survey can send an email to customerservice@fpm.wisc.edu.
What happens to the results? Information will reviewed and compiled into a report. The report will be posted with results of previous transportation modes survey reports. Transportation modes survey report information can be found on the Transportation Services “About” page (see “surveys and reports” section).