University Avenue construction to cause commute impacts beginning April 10

Picture of an area blocked by construction barricades and other traffic management signs. Focus is on two signs noting lane changes, with orange barricades seen in the background with "Sidewalk closed" and "Lane closed" signs.

A City of Madison project to reconstruct University Avenue will resume April 10, causing lane, sidewalk, and bike path closures on University Avenue between University Bay Drive and Shorewood Boulevard. Commuters should expect delays and plan accordingly, especially during peak traffic hours. This phase of the project is expected to last until July 1, 2023.

Maps, detailed information, and updates for this project are available at the City of Madison’s University Avenue project website:

Go to the City of Madison Project Website

Keep reading for an overview of anticipated impacts to vehicle, pedestrian, bus, and bike traffic near campus:

Lanes reduced on University Avenue and University Bay Drive

Contractors will remove temporary medians that were in place throughout the winter and expect to direct traffic to the outside lanes starting April 10. After removing the temporary medians, contractors plan to close the two northern traffic lanes and direct traffic to the southern lanes starting April 14. Two eastbound and two westbound traffic lanes will be maintained between University Bay Drive and Shorewood Boulevard during peak travel periods. Additional off-peak (9 a.m. – 3 p.m.) single lane closures will be required during the week.

The western lane of University Bay Drive will also close, with traffic shifting to the eastern lanes. One northbound and one southbound traffic lane will be maintained from University Avenue to just north of Marshall Court.

Sidewalks impacted around work site

The western sidewalk of University Bay Drive will close from Marshall Court to University Avenue. The northern sidewalk of University Avenue will close from University Bay Drive to Shorewood Boulevard, and the western north-south crosswalk traversing the University Avenue/University Bay Drive intersection will close. Pedestrians should follow detour signage around the work site.

Metro Transit bus stop impacts

Bus stops on University Bay Drive and University Avenue will remain open, but riders can anticipate the following changes to bus stops in the area:

  • Metro Transit eastbound stop #2465 on University Avenue will relocate to the eastern side of the University Avenue/University Bay Drive intersection.
  • Metro Transit westbound stop #2820 on University Avenue (just east of the University Avenue/University Bay Drive intersection) will shift into the closed northern lane.
Campus Drive Bike Path closure and detour expected to start April 19

A detour of the multi-use path on the north side of University Avenue between Shorewood Boulevard and Highland Avenue is expected to start April 19. The city will place detour signage approximately three days before the detour is scheduled to begin. A map of the bicycle detour route is available on the City of Madison project webpage.

Please note that work is dependent on weather and subject to change.

For more information on ongoing closures and detours, please see the campus lot and street impacts/closures map or visit the campus construction impacts webpage.