Connect with UW-Madison commuters on RoundTrip’s new ride matching platform

The RoundTrip program of the Greater Madison MPO has upgraded their online platform to help local commuters connect with convenient alternatives to driving alone. The free platform features a private UW-Madison RoundTrip network for employees or students who want to ride, bike, or walk together for daily commutes and one-time trips.

Logo for RoundTrip, a ridematching servicing operated by Greater Madison MPO.
Logo for RoundTrip, a ridematching servicing operated by Greater Madison MPO.

RoundTrip’s ride matching platform allows commuters to explore affordable, sustainable transportation options including carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, and public transit. Features of the new platform include a multimodal trip planner with ride matching capabilities, a RideBoard for one-time trips, a personalized dashboard, and incentives programs. The online platform is also accessible in Spanish and Hmong.

For additional access options, users can download the CommuteTracker mobile app by RideAmigos for Android or iOS to access trip planning features and trip logging for incentives programs.

How to register for the UW-Madison RoundTrip network

Those with a valid email address (including sub-domains) may choose to join the private UW-Madison RoundTrip network. A special link is required to join the private UW-Madison network. Click the button below or copy/paste the link into a browser to register:

Register for UW-Madison RoundTrip Network

Curious about carpooling to campus?

Carpooling is a great way to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicle trips to campus. UW Transportation Services operates a carpool program with benefits and incentives for carpool members.

RoundTrip is one way for UW employees to locate other carpool members. Two or more employees who drive together most of the time can register a carpool, and three or more can apply for a UW carpool permit. Carpool permit applications get top priority during the annual permit application process. Learn about the benefits of the UW-Madison carpool program and how to apply.

For more questions about active and multimodal commuting, contact the Commuter Solutions team at or complete a Custom Route Planning form.

Learn more about RoundTrip

RoundTrip encourages all residents and commuters to make transportation choices like walking, bicycling, carpooling, public transit, and telework a daily habit. With over 70% of Dane County commuters driving alone to work pre-pandemic, these choices contribute to a more affordable, sustainable, and equitable transportation system, and a higher quality of life for all as Dane County grows. Learn more at