Survey to measure patterns in UW campus transportation mode use

The week of February 2, randomly selected groups of UW–Madison students, UW employees, and UW Hospital and Clinics employees will receive a personal invitation to participate in the 2025 biennial transportation modes survey.

This survey is administered every two years and has been conducted since 1979.

Survey responses will help UW Transportation Services understand the current “mode split,” or which travel modes are used by students, faculty, and staff to access the UW-Madison campus.

The data is used to support programming decisions to ensure campus is accessible to users of all travel modes.

Members of the survey groups will receive an invitation to take the survey from Qualtrics software. Responses are anonymous.

What happens to the results?

Survey results will be analyzed and compiled into a report. The report will be posted online along with feedback surveys and transportation modes survey reports from prior years on the Transportation Services website.