Results of the 2023 Biennial Transportation Survey are now available on the Transportation Services website. Survey results show which transportation modes students and employees use to get to and from campus.
Active transportation
2023 Transportation Modes Survey Report with Appendices
Madison Bike Week events near campus, June 3-10
Find out what bike events are happening on and near campus during June bike week, and take advantage of a free class and DIY repair space at the University Bicycle Resource Center.
Check your route: new Metro Transit routes, stops, schedules start June 11
Madison Metro will launch a completely new system of bus routes, stops, and schedules June 11, 2023. UW Madison campus community members are encouraged to check to learn how the new system will impact individual commutes.
Refresh your route with Commuter Solutions resources and new Metro bus trip planning
Explore new routes to campus with Transportation Services commuter benefits for riding the bus, bicycling, carpooling, and more. Reminder to check to see how city bus routes will change on June 11.
Connect with UW-Madison commuters on RoundTrip’s new ride matching platform
The RoundTrip program of the Greater Madison MPO has upgraded their online platform to help local commuters connect with convenient alternatives to driving alone. The new platform features a private UW-Madison RoundTrip network for employees and students.