Making a Reservation
UW-Madison Fleet
To make, view or cancel a reservation, use the Wisconsin Fleet Management System website. Select “UW” in the drop-down menu. Choose your home institution, then log in with your NetID (or other institution log-in info).
The Fleet Management System site allows a person to make, cancel and view reservations for someone else, such as a department clerk managing reservations for faculty or students. Anyone with a Net ID can access services, but people who have successfully become ‘approved drivers’ can make reservations for themselves.
To make a reservation for another driver, users with a valid NetID can log in and, once logged in, enter the username of the approved driver. This is in the format of; be sure to have the NetID of the person, which may be different than their email address. A non-approved driver will not be able to ‘reserve for myself’. For questions about finding a username, contact the UW Fleet office.
Reservations requests can also be made by contacting UW Fleet via phone (608-262-1307), fax (608-265-5948), or UW Fleet email. Please use the online system whenever possible.
You need to be prepared to supply the following:
- Driver Name
- Email Address for confirmation receipt
- ‘T number’ (A T number is the only source of funding that Fleet can bill. Contact Fleet staff for assistance.)
- Vehicle Type (see vehicle photos page for examples)
- Begin Date and estimated time
- End Date and estimated time
- Destination City and State
- Number of vehicle occupants
What do I do with my personal vehicle?
Please note: Parking for travelers’ personal cars at UW Madison Fleet is by reservation only in Lot 50 (look for the yellow posts). Vehicles parked with no permit or an expired permit may be ticketed and towed.
- Groups with multiple vehicles to the same destination and/or organized by one central entity/person/club/organization will be permitted one stall per trip for the entire group, not one stall for each fleet vehicle rented. Similarly, multiple travelers in one fleet vehicle may only reserve a single stall.
- Each stall requires a no-fee reservation. A special reservation number is generated for each parking stall. A traveler with a fleet car reservation and a parking stall reservation will have two reservation numbers (one for vehicle, one for parking reservation). A waitlist will be available for parking stall reservations; stalls on the waitlist are not guaranteed. Reservations for parking are obtained the same way reservations for vehicles are made. Look for the “U Park” selection in the “Vehicle Type” drop-down menu.
- Traveler personal vehicle parking is limited to six nights or less.
Department of Administration (DOA) Fleet
Like for UW Fleet, you can make, view and cancel reservations on the Wisconsin Fleet Management System site.
UW Health Hospital Fleet Vehicle Reservation
(Note: available to UWHC employees only.) If you’re in a pinch and need a work vehicle, hospital vehicles can be reserved for $3 per hour. Costs charged directly to your department. Hospital fleet information available via U-Connect.
If a UW Fleet vehicle isn’t available, an alternate to a DOA Fleet or personal vehicle is Zipcar! Zipcar is UW-Madison’s carsharing partner. They provide cars for short-term rental by the hour or day, with gas and insurance included. Learn more on our carshare webpage.
Only authorized drivers may reserve a fleet vehicle.
Reservation Pick-up and Returns
See the reservation pick-up and returns page for full details.
Cancelling a Reservation
UW-Madison Fleet
Reservations can be cancelled through the Wisconsin Fleet Management System site.
If you decide to cancel your reservation, you must do so no later than noon the day before the pick-up date, or within 30 minutes of making the original reservation. If you do not cancel in time, you will be assessed a “no-show” fee (one day’s rental charge for the reserved vehicle). If you need to cancel after noon the day before pick-up, call the UW Fleet office.
DOA Fleet
Reservations can be cancelled through the Wisconsin Fleet Management System site or called in (608-266-8757) at any time. As of January 2017, DOA is charging a $10 no-show fee.