In observance of Independence Day, parking permits will not be required in most surface parking lots on Thursday and Friday, July 4-5. Parking in these lots will be available on a first-come, first-served basis in permit (unsigned) parking stalls. If no unsigned stalls are open in a lot, drivers must proceed to the nearest available surface lot.
Exceptions to the waived surface lot parking restrictions July 4-5:
- Lots 11, 74, and 82 will require lot-specific permits.
- UW Disabled stalls across campus will require either a UW Accessible permit or State DOT Disabled permit/plate.
- Restricted parking areas are always enforced, including reserved (signed) stalls, access aisles, fire lanes, and no parking zones.
All gated parking lots (garages and ramps) will be under normal weekday operation on Friday, July 5; permit or payment will be required. Visitors must pull a ticket and pay upon exit. A valid UW permit for a gated lot may enter and exit as usual.
Regular parking enforcement will resume throughout the UW–Madison campus on Saturday, July 6.
Questions can be directed to UW Transportation Services customer service at or call (608) 263-6667.