Essential construction projects continue on campus. This article will be updated with project changes and new work as information becomes available.
Elm Drive Bicycle Shelter Opens Jan. 21
A new enclosed bicycle shelter opens Jan. 21 off of Elm Drive, free and open to anyone with a valid Wiscard. The shelter features a “fix-it” station, including an air pump.
Road closures and detours update – January 15
Updates on some ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–Dayton Street reopens Jan. 18 and reminder: eastbound traffic is closed between Charter and Park Streets.
Road closures and detours update – December 17
Updates on some ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–eastbound traffic will close between Charter and Park Streets on Jan. 6.
Road closures and detours update – November 19
Updates on some ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–weather delays extend closure of Observatory Drive near the Natatorium until December 9.
Road closures and detours update – October 29
Updates on some new and ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–part of Linden Drive near Vet Med temporarily closes October 31; part of Observatory Drive near the Natatorium to temporarily close in November.
UW–Madison named Platinum-level Bicycle Friendly University
UW–Madison will join the ranks of just seven other institutions at the Platinum level. There are 208 total colleges and universities part of the League’s Bicycle Friendly America program.
Road closures and detours update – October 16
Updates on some new and ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–Dayton Street east of Park Street reopened, part of the Easterday Lane/Observatory Drive intersection closes October 21.
Bicycle feedback survey for BFU application open until October 1
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is reapplying for Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) recognition. A public survey is open until October 1 to gather feedback on current bicycle programs, facilities, and amenities on campus.
Madison Winter Bike Week – UBRC Traffic Skills 101 Class
The University Bicycle Resource Center (UBRC) is hosting a Bike Traffic Skills 101 course on 2/6 in conjunction with Madison Winter Bike Week 2019.