Shamrock Shuffle races, Walnut Street closure to impact travel on campus

The Shamrock Shuffle 5K/10K events will go through parts of campus on Saturday, March 11. And beginning March 11, Walnut Street will be closed south of Linden Drive due to railroad bridge repair work. Traffic will detour to Highland Avenue through March 19.

Observatory Drive and Linden Drive closures to impact travel

Update, October 31: Due to construction issues, a stretch of eastbound Observatory Drive near Ingraham Hall and the Sewell Social Science Building will remain closed until November 17. Part of Linden Drive between Agriculture Hall and the Microbial Sciences Building is also closed in both directions for several weeks.

Observatory Drive to fully close near Veterinary Medicine, August 15-19

Observatory Drive will temporarily close in both directions near the Veterinary Medicine construction site. This closure will significantly limit options for thru vehicle traffic between the east and west sides of campus. It will also impact travel for in- and outbound traffic and cause Metro Transit detours.