Van Hise Hall is undergoing emergency repair work, including removal of concrete paneling. A crane assisting with the work will require road closures in the Van Hise area during the week of April 26, 2021.
Road closures and detours – Fall 2020
Fall round-up of construction information affecting campus transportation routes. This article will be updated as information becomes available.
Road closures and detours – Spring/Summer 2020
Essential construction projects continue on campus. This article will be updated with project changes and new work as information becomes available.
Road closures and detours update – January 15
Updates on some ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–Dayton Street reopens Jan. 18 and reminder: eastbound traffic is closed between Charter and Park Streets.
Road closures and detours update – December 17
Updates on some ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–eastbound traffic will close between Charter and Park Streets on Jan. 6.
Road closures and detours update – November 19
Updates on some ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–weather delays extend closure of Observatory Drive near the Natatorium until December 9.
Road closures and detours update – October 29
Updates on some new and ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–part of Linden Drive near Vet Med temporarily closes October 31; part of Observatory Drive near the Natatorium to temporarily close in November.
Road closures and detours update – October 16
Updates on some new and ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–Dayton Street east of Park Street reopened, part of the Easterday Lane/Observatory Drive intersection closes October 21.
Road closures and detours update – August 19
Updates on some ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–Linden Drive reopen, Charter Street expected to reopen the week of August 19.
Road closures and detours update – August 6
Updates on some ongoing projects affecting campus traffic flow–Charter and Linden Street areas expected to reopen the week of August 19.